
Initial / recurring fee for a .uk registration or renewal: 
£5 per year ex. VAT

Maintenance / transfer in / transfer out fee: none

Only available to customers also taking other services with us.

Domain maintenance requests should be sent to support@ and we shall endeavour to take action on your request within 24 hours, complaints regarding unsatisfactory service should be sent to directors@

Renewal reminders to customers will be sent at least once between 120 days and 30 days prior to expiry, and at least once in the final 30 days prior to expiry. Renewal can be requested at any time by emailing sales@ , or by replying to renewal reminders once they have been issued.

Be aware that by registering a .uk domain, you are entering into a three way contract with both Nominet and the registrar (Jump Networks Ltd). The contract you enter into with Nominet is here.

Postal address for serving legal notices to Jump Networks Ltd (not for correspondence or marketing) is here.